"Visiting Kuo Hua is like visiting Taiwan."

Kuohua started as a small Taiwanese supermarket on the corner of Sheppard and Willowdale in 1995, selling fresh flowers, home-made traditional Taiwanese foods and snack items. The business grew as consumers returned for more fresh and quality products; within two years, Kuohua opened its second and third chain stores in Metro Square. The increase in market demand created opportunities for us to expand our selection of imported goods from Taiwan.

Today, we operate on a 30,000sq ft self-owned warehouse in Markham, carrying over 2000 products from Taiwan. Kuohua is recognizes as the exclusive Canadian agent of major Taiwanese food brands including “AGV”, “Hunya”, “Beans Group”, “San Su Gong”, “Vedan”, “3:15pm”, “Wei Lih”, “Sunway”, “San Su Gong”, “Yin-Chuan Organic Farm” and other brand names.

In March 2010, Kuohua opened its Flagship store on No.3 Road located in Richmond, B.C. We will continue to provide the highest quality foods items to our customers while creating a memorable shopping experience!


自1995年第一家“國華超市”在多倫多成立以來,鑑於國華對台灣進口產品的多元化,新鮮度和品質保證之管理下,成功打造了加拿大台灣食品的銷售王國,並在開幕的兩年內路續的在Metro Square開設了兩家分店。之後,為了因應多倫多華人市場廣大的要求,“國華”開始對整個加拿大的華人食品市場進行台灣食品以及文化的推廣,也奠定了“國華”在台灣食品批發界無可取代的地位。

目前位於Markham,國華擁有占地約30,000sq-ft的warehouse。在此處,我們可以購買到成百上千種最健康與最乾淨的台灣進口食品。由於國華擁有台灣“愛之味” ,“宏亞” , “豆之家” ,“三叔公”,“味丹”,“三點一刻”, “维力”, “鄉味”,“銀川米”等知名食品企業的代理權以及許多不勝枚舉的有機健康食品和各式特產。
